Marios Schwab is one of my all time favorite designers. I'm also really into his grungy, dark circled countenance. (see. you can be a guy that's into fashion that doesn't look like Bruno or Tom Ford, not that I don't love Bruno or Tom Ford but the male fashion stereotypes are getting a bit out of hand.) My favorite collection of his is Spring 2008. I would just wear every single piece and never buy anything else ever again. I saw one his dresses at Barneys and the inside of it was soooooo good. All this really clever rigging to give structure to a draped jersey dress that by nature is structureless. I love him. Anyways, I got an e-mail from
Dream Sequins recommending Marios Schwab Fall 2009 and she couldn't be more right. The fur chubbies at the end of the show remind me a lot of my favorite Fran Fine outfit of all time. The episode is a Valentine's day episode where fran rents out a billboard to tell Maxwell that she loves him thinking that he's her secret admirer. Then she finds out it's really a friend of Brighton's and she and Val go up to the billboard to try to cover it up Lucy and Ethel style. oh yeah, spoiler alert. The outfit is white sneakers, white painters jumpsuit, and to top it all off a fluorescent orange chubby fur that looks like she just skinned a muppet. So so good. Fran could wear that to a party at Collette! If I find a video of it, I will post.

Marios Schwab Fall 2009 from